954-732-5050 • מדברים עברית • Hablamos español

Our Certification Program

Medical Qigong Programs

the Medical Qigong doctor will then proceed with a treatment plan for the patient. 

This includes a treatment as well as teaching the patient Qigong movements, which are gentle exercises that promote health. 

These Qigong exercises are powerful tools in the healing process of the patient. We use other powerful tools that help transform the patient’s condition like meditation, positive affirmation, forgiveness process and other methods to help patients with pain, anxiety, depression.


The Medical Qigong Practitioner, MQP Certificate program is a 250 hours program. Students are taught the foundation of Chinese energetic medicine and the taoist philosophy. 

The understanding of types of qi gong exercises, Purgation, Tonification, and Regulation. A various Medical Qigong exercises for self healing and to establish a daily qigong routine
In addition, students learn the General Protocol and different energy emission techniques. Energy assessment techniques and how to establish a safe environment for healing.
Graduates of the program will have the foundations and the skills to treat a variety of diseases and ailments. This program will prepare them to start their own practice.


The certification programs are designed in a way that helps the student to gradually build their energy, power, knowledge, ability and competence.

Each program is divided into 5 modules. A module is a 5 days seminar Friday to Tuesday, from 9-5:30. One module is built on the one before that. In order to get your certification you will have to attend all 5 modules.

The modules are space, about 10 weeks apart. This was modeled after a study that revealed that it takes about 10 weeks to create changes in your body and mind.